The perfect choice for true gamers! Join the game by choosing a product that suits you!
Buy nowThe shape of the gaming mouse is very important - which is why a product like the PREYON Falcon Gaming has been refined to ensure the highest gaming comfort. It is characterised by practicality and comfort, so your hand does not start to hurt even after many hours of intensive gaming! Gain complete dominance on the battlefield with the PREYON Falcon Gaming. We guarantee that even very long games will not cause the slightest discomfort.
Taking care of the comfort of gamers, the gaming mouse is equipped with a special texture that prevents your hands from slipping off the device. There's no room for error or missing your intended target - the stability here is top-notch. Control every movement, even the smallest one, with the PREYON Falcon Gaming mouse - and increase your chances of winning! Trust the rubber-coated grips and never miss again!
The gaming mouse is equipped with up to 9 buttons, which you can program as you wish! Enjoy huge possibilities in one device and control whatever you find useful with just one hand!
The PREYON Falcon Gaming offers a DPI of 12400, which gamers are sure to appreciate. The gaming mouse is going to amaze you with its precision, stability and sensitivity. With its help you will achieve all your gaming goals without any trouble!
Choose from 7 available colours in which the panels of the PREYON Falcon Gaming mouse light up! You can customise the backlighting mode or set your favourite colour. You don't need dedicated software to do it - you can easily do it by clicking the right combination.
With a lifespan of 20 million clicks, you can use your mouse for many years! Even intense gaming evenings will not be able to destroy it. Trust in the strength of OMRON 20M and you will certainly not be disappointed with the PREYON Falcon Gaming mouse.
A very robust cable with an ideal length is sure to serve you without the slightest abrasion for years. The cable does not get in the way while playing - its length has been adapted for top-level gamers.
To fully enjoy the potential of the PREYON Falcon Gaming, you need to install dedicated software. It allows you to adjust all the options to your own needs and preferences. The configurations are extremely easy to enter, so feel free to customise the mouse!
If you want your mouse to glide smoothly over the mousepad, the Falcon Gaming mouse has Teflon skates. This is the best option available on the market at the moment. The response speed is significantly faster than in similar models that do not offer this feature.
Przejdź na ciemną stronę i posiądź moc, która niweluje wszelkie nierówności. Stań po stronie prawdziwego łowcy, drapieżnika, który nigdy nie odpuszcza i zawsze dopada swoją ofiarę. Wraz z nim zaznacz swoją dominację, wykorzystaj przewagę i podkreśl, że inni łowcy powinni czuć przed Tobą respekt. Na szczycie łańcucha pokarmowego nie ma miejsca na sentymenty – szybkość, odwaga, agresja PREYON zapewnią Ci to miejsce i podkreślą, że inni mają do czynienia z wytrawnym łowcą. Czujesz zew dzikiego serca? To mroczna strona, która wzywa Cię do podjęcia walki. Jest łowca i jest zwierzyna. Ułamki sekund. Szybki atak. Wygrana. W świecie gamingu ułamki sekund potrafią zadecydować o wygranej lub przegranej. Stań po właściwej stronie i zwiększ swoje szanse na sukces z odpowiednimi akcesoriami – Preyon to gwarancja udanych łowów.
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