The PREYON Eagle Scream microphone is a comprehensive solution ready to meet the needs of all those for whom voice recording is crucial. Its biggest advantage is the multitude of accessories included. Everything you need for convenient and comfortable use is in the box.
Buy nowThe PREYON Eagle Scream is a directional microphone, which helps to reduce the registration of unwanted ambient noises. Thanks to its focus on the user's voice, it can be used to record a variety of recordings. It is suitable for voice communication and internet broadcasting, as well as for recording vocals or capturing the voice of a podcast narrator. Due to its versatile characteristics, it works well both as a solution for beginners and for more advanced users.
The PREYON Eagle Scream microphone is equipped with an automatic RGB LED backlighting effect. This is a useful solution especially when we are broadcasting and recording from our computer station. You need to look impressive online, and the illuminated microphone enhances the impression of working at an advanced gaming station. For even more personalisation, two types of rubber bands for the basket holding the microphone are included.
The sound recording parameters of the PREYON Eagle Scream microphone can be described as very high. The spectrum of recorded frequencies starts from 20 Hz and ends at 20 kHz. The maximum sound pressure level is as high as 120 dB, which means that it works well even for streamers who get carried away with their emotions and like to shout.
The PREYON Eagle Scream microphone is designed to give the user control over all operating parameters without the need for additional software or system settings. On the microphone casing, there is a button to turn audio recording off and on, as well as an adjustment for recording sensitivity. There is also a headphone output along with volume control. This ensures that everything important when working with the microphone is always within easy reach.
For an even higher quality of recorded sound, the PREYON Eagle Scream microphone is equipped with several useful extras to help eliminate unwanted background noise. The microphone includes an anti-shake basket, pop-filter and wind sponge. The PREYON Eagle Scream is a microphone focused solely on the user's vocals.
One of the features of the PREYON Eagle Scream microphone is an arm on which it can be placed so that it does not interfere with your computer use. The adjustable arm allows the microphone to be directed in such a way that its position in relation to the user's mouth remains optimal, whilst not interfering with the operation of the computer with the hands or restricting the field of view. For those who do not wish to use the arm, a desk stand is included, allowing the PREYON Eagle Scream microphone to be placed anywhere on the surface of a tabletop.
Przejdź na ciemną stronę i posiądź moc, która niweluje wszelkie nierówności. Stań po stronie prawdziwego łowcy, drapieżnika, który nigdy nie odpuszcza i zawsze dopada swoją ofiarę. Wraz z nim zaznacz swoją dominację, wykorzystaj przewagę i podkreśl, że inni łowcy powinni czuć przed Tobą respekt. Na szczycie łańcucha pokarmowego nie ma miejsca na sentymenty – szybkość, odwaga, agresja PREYON zapewnią Ci to miejsce i podkreślą, że inni mają do czynienia z wytrawnym łowcą. Czujesz zew dzikiego serca? To mroczna strona, która wzywa Cię do podjęcia walki. Jest łowca i jest zwierzyna. Ułamki sekund. Szybki atak. Wygrana. W świecie gamingu ułamki sekund potrafią zadecydować o wygranej lub przegranej. Stań po właściwej stronie i zwiększ swoje szanse na sukces z odpowiednimi akcesoriami – Preyon to gwarancja udanych łowów.
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